It doesn’t matter who can replace Biden, because no one can win Trump this time

It doesn’t matter who can replace Biden, because no one can win Trump this time

As the 2024 presidential election looms, many are wondering who could potentially replace President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. However, regardless of who steps up to the plate, one thing is certain: they won’t be able to beat former President Donald Trump in a rematch.

Trump’s popularity among Republicans remains strong despite his controversial tenure in office. A recent poll by Gallup found that 86% of Republicans approve of Trump’s job performance – a number that has remained consistent since he left office. This level of support makes it unlikely for any Republican challenger to unseat him in their party’s primary elections.

On the other hand, while there may be some dissatisfaction with Biden within his own party due to issues like inflation and rising gas prices, most Democrats remain loyal to their current president. A recent CNN poll showed that only 35% of Democrats want someone else as their nominee for 2024 – meaning there isn’t much room for an alternative candidate within the party either.

Furthermore, even if a new face were able to emerge from either side and win their respective nominations – history suggests it would still be an uphill battle against Trump himself. In every election since World War II where an incumbent president didn’t run again (such as Gerald Ford after Nixon resigned), they were defeated by a significant margin by their challenger; this includes both Jimmy Carter defeating Ford in 1976 and Bill Clinton defeating George HW Bush in 1992.

With all these factors considered, it seems unlikely that anyone can truly replace Biden or unseat Trump in 2024. The former president still holds significant sway over his party and maintains a loyal base of supporters who would likely vote for him again. Meanwhile, even if there were to be a strong challenger from within either party – history suggests they would face an uphill battle against Trump’s formidable political machine.

As we move closer to election season, both sides will undoubtedly continue jockeying for position and attempting to secure their nominees. But regardless of who emerges as the Democratic candidate or how strong their campaign may seem – one thing remains certain: no one can replace Biden because no one can beat Trump this time around.


Author: Digital News

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